Metalosis Maligna

Floris Kaayk

Metalosis Maligna

Floris Kaayk


“Metalosis Maligna” is a short film by Belgian artist and filmmaker Floris Kaayk. The film is a speculative fiction that explores the potential consequences of technological advancements in the field of medical prosthetics. The film depicts a fictional disease called “Metalosis Maligna,” which is caused by a malfunctioning medical implant. The video opens with a series of scientific-sounding statements about the disease, including MRI scans and microscopic images of metal implants. It then introduces a series of characters who claim to have the disease, each with their own unique symptoms and experiences. The disease causes the implant to take on a life of its own, growing and mutating until it takes over the patient’s body entirely. The film is shot in a dark and eerie style, with a soundtrack of ominous and unsettling sounds. It uses a combination of live-action footage and computer-generated imagery to create a surreal and nightmarish world in which the disease takes hold. The medical implants depicted in the film are grotesque and surreal, resembling metallic plant life that grows and spreads across the patient’s body. “Metalosis Maligna” is a commentary on the potential dangers of advancing medical technology and the risks inherent in using prosthetics and implants in the human body. It also explores the blurring of boundaries between the natural and artificial, and the potential consequences of these technological advancements on the human body and the concept of the self.