Revisionism in counterfactual art involves retrospectively reconstructing historical narratives or events, particularly through the lens of alternative history. This artistic practice seeks to unveil paradoxical truths by employing elements of parafiction—blending fact and fiction—to challenge established historical accounts and present alternative perspectives on the past.
The solo project titled “…and Europe will be stunned” by Israeli Dutch artist Yael Bartana premiered at the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven on March 24, 2012. This exhibition features a video trilogy centering on the Jewish Renaissance Movement in Poland learn more
The solo project titled “…and Europe will be stunned” by Israeli Dutch artist Yael Bartana premiered at the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven on March 24, 2012. This exhibition features a video trilogy centering on the Jewish Renaissance Movement in Poland (JRMiP), advocating for the return of 3.3 million Jews to Poland. The trilogy, originally showcased learn more

…and Europe will be stunned, 2012

Yael Bartana
Established in 1999, The Atlas Group has partaken in significant international exhibitions such as Documenta 11 and the Whitney Biennial 2002, resulting in the exposure of some of its works to a broader audience. Within the ever-changing dynamics of the learn more
Established in 1999, The Atlas Group has partaken in significant international exhibitions such as Documenta 11 and the Whitney Biennial 2002, resulting in the exposure of some of its works to a broader audience. Within the ever-changing dynamics of the Atlas Group collective, Walid Raad (born in 1967 in Chbanieh, Lebanon), the project’s founder, has learn more

Atlas group

Atlas group, Walid Raad
Norman Daly’s fascination with the convergence of art, anthropology, and archaeology spurred a distinctive venture, giving rise to the imaginative civilization of Llhuros. Positioned in Asia Minor, east of the Iron Age kingdom of Lydia (now western Turkey), Llhuros materialized learn more
Norman Daly’s fascination with the convergence of art, anthropology, and archaeology spurred a distinctive venture, giving rise to the imaginative civilization of Llhuros. Positioned in Asia Minor, east of the Iron Age kingdom of Lydia (now western Turkey), Llhuros materialized through Daly’s curation of a collection of archaeological artifacts. This assortment included frescoes, architectural fragments, learn more

Civilization of Llhuros

Norman D. Daly
The “Flower Power. Archive” project continues the series of projects by the Agency. In 2017, the group discovered an archive of a museum belonging to a secret society that existed during the late Soviet era and focused on pacifist and learn more
The “Flower Power. Archive” project continues the series of projects by the Agency. In 2017, the group discovered an archive of a museum belonging to a secret society that existed during the late Soviet era and focused on pacifist and dissident activities. According to the documents found, members of the Leningrad branch of “Flower Power” learn more

Flower Power. Archive, 2017

Agency of Singular Investigations
“The Gay, Innocent and Heartless” revisits numerous recurring themes that have characterized the artist’s work since his debut in the 1980s, delving into topics like the impact of mass media on human identity. This makes the exhibition, to a certain learn more
“The Gay, Innocent and Heartless” revisits numerous recurring themes that have characterized the artist’s work since his debut in the 1980s, delving into topics like the impact of mass media on human identity. This makes the exhibition, to a certain extent, a vibrant retrospective of his oeuvre. Despite its controversial exploration of masculinity and the learn more

Gay, Innocent and Heartless. 2008

Zbigniew Libera
In the wistful tapestry of time, there emerged a project known as “Happy Victory Day, Mr. Müller!” In the year 1995, on a day bathed in the memory of the Eastern Front’s World War II finale, Berlin saw a remarkable learn more
In the wistful tapestry of time, there emerged a project known as “Happy Victory Day, Mr. Müller!” In the year 1995, on a day bathed in the memory of the Eastern Front’s World War II finale, Berlin saw a remarkable spectacle unfold. A total of 5500 Müllers, bearers of that quintessentially German surname, received a learn more

Happy Victory Day, Mr. Muller, 1995

Masoch Fund
Initiated in 2007, this endeavor was set in motion when David Moos, Curator of Contemporary Art at the AGO, extended an invitation to Häussler to join a distinguished assembly of artists—including Shary Boyle, Willie Cole, Kent Monkman, Frank Stella, and learn more
Initiated in 2007, this endeavor was set in motion when David Moos, Curator of Contemporary Art at the AGO, extended an invitation to Häussler to join a distinguished assembly of artists—including Shary Boyle, Willie Cole, Kent Monkman, Frank Stella, and Kara Walker—commissioned to craft new creations for the museum’s reopening in November 2008, following its learn more

He Named Her Amber!

Iris Haussler
The “History and Utopia” project traces authentic, albeit seemingly implausible, histories as well as stories that could turn out to be true. Documents and archives are blended with forgeries. The artist reveals what we sometimes don’t want to know or learn more
The “History and Utopia” project traces authentic, albeit seemingly implausible, histories as well as stories that could turn out to be true. Documents and archives are blended with forgeries. The artist reveals what we sometimes don’t want to know or remember. The exhibition’s concept is borrowed from Emil Cioran’s book “History and Utopia,” consisting of learn more

History and Utopia, 2013

Hubert Czerepok
The Hokes Archives is overseen by Professor Beauvais Lyons at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville School of Art within the UTK Print Workshop. Established in 1901 by Everitt Ormsby Hokes, The Hokes Archives focuses on the creation and documentation of learn more
The Hokes Archives is overseen by Professor Beauvais Lyons at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville School of Art within the UTK Print Workshop. Established in 1901 by Everitt Ormsby Hokes, The Hokes Archives focuses on the creation and documentation of rare and unique cultural artifacts. Key components of the collection encompass the Aazudians and the learn more

Hoakes archives

Beauvais Lyons
The genesis of the Lebanese Rocket Society unfolded during the early 1960s within the precincts of Haigazian University, an emerging Armenian educational institution in Beirut. Spearheaded by a cadre of enterprising students under the tutelage of Professor Manoug Manougian, a learn more
The genesis of the Lebanese Rocket Society unfolded during the early 1960s within the precincts of Haigazian University, an emerging Armenian educational institution in Beirut. Spearheaded by a cadre of enterprising students under the tutelage of Professor Manoug Manougian, a luminary in the field of mathematics, the Lebanese Rocket Society materialized with the ambitious mission learn more

Lebanese Rocket Society

Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige
Mixed-media installation, De Appel, Amsterdam, 2006. A Jewish bank by the name of Lippmann, Rosenthal & Co. had been trading at 6-8 Nieuwe Spiegelstraat, in Amsterdam, since 1859 – a building today occupied by the De Appel center for contemporary learn more
Mixed-media installation, De Appel, Amsterdam, 2006. A Jewish bank by the name of Lippmann, Rosenthal & Co. had been trading at 6-8 Nieuwe Spiegelstraat, in Amsterdam, since 1859 – a building today occupied by the De Appel center for contemporary art. During WWII and the German occupation of the Netherlands, the Nazis deliberately used the learn more

Lippmann, Rosenthal & Co

Michael Blum
15 fotografii (jedenaście o wym. 70 × 100; dwie o wym. 70 × 90; dwie o wym. 70 × 50 cm)Praca w depozycie Galerii ArsenałThe “Masters” series (2004) emerged as a protest by the artist against the refusal to display learn more
15 fotografii (jedenaście o wym. 70 × 100; dwie o wym. 70 × 90; dwie o wym. 70 × 50 cm)Praca w depozycie Galerii ArsenałThe “Masters” series (2004) emerged as a protest by the artist against the refusal to display one of his works (“Lego. Concentration Camp”) at the Venice Biennale in 1997. The curator learn more

Mistrzowie / Masters

Zbigniew Libera
The project was realized in December 2021 at the Pokutian Local History Museum in Ivano-Frankivsk. The project was curated by artist Nikita Kadan. The exhibition is a reconstruction of a significant exhibition in Stanislaviv (now Ivano-Frankivsk) in 1931. This was learn more
The project was realized in December 2021 at the Pokutian Local History Museum in Ivano-Frankivsk. The project was curated by artist Nikita Kadan. The exhibition is a reconstruction of a significant exhibition in Stanislaviv (now Ivano-Frankivsk) in 1931. This was a year when Western Ukrainian (Polish-Ukrainian) modernism (represented by groups such as “Artes,” “Krakow Group,” learn more

Revisonist Syndrome, 2021

Nikita Kadan
Born in 1867 as the sole offspring of a modest manufacturer, Sophie grew up in Nogent-sur-Marne, a town near Paris. Raised in the Catholic faith, she spent her formative years at a convent in Aubervilliers. During her childhood, while accompanying learn more
Born in 1867 as the sole offspring of a modest manufacturer, Sophie grew up in Nogent-sur-Marne, a town near Paris. Raised in the Catholic faith, she spent her formative years at a convent in Aubervilliers. During her childhood, while accompanying her father on his errands, she crossed paths with Madeleine Smith, forging a friendship that learn more

Sophie la Rossier

Iris Haussler
“Drink raki, and you’ll want to become a poet” – allegedly said Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Safiye Behar was born in 1890 in Pera, Istanbul, the daughter of a Jewish bar-keeper. She often spent time at the beer bar “Zeuve Birahanesi,” learn more
“Drink raki, and you’ll want to become a poet” – allegedly said Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Safiye Behar was born in 1890 in Pera, Istanbul, the daughter of a Jewish bar-keeper. She often spent time at the beer bar “Zeuve Birahanesi,” known for its political discussions and passionate debates, lingering in the slow swirls of smoke. learn more

Tribute to Safiye Behar 

Michael Blum
Anna Baumgart, Andrzej TurowskiFilm Script: Anna Baumgart, Florian Nowicki, Marcin Kowalewski, and Wiktor Rusin “Conquerors of the Sun” is a film project by Anna Baumgart that was realized in collaboration with art historian, avant-garde historian, and professor Andrzej Turowski. The learn more
Anna Baumgart, Andrzej TurowskiFilm Script: Anna Baumgart, Florian Nowicki, Marcin Kowalewski, and Wiktor Rusin “Conquerors of the Sun” is a film project by Anna Baumgart that was realized in collaboration with art historian, avant-garde historian, and professor Andrzej Turowski. The occasion for this joint project arose from a chance encounter at the Warsaw café “Nowy learn more

Zdobywcy słońca. Parowóz dziejów / Conquerors of the Sun. The Locomotive of History

Anna Baumgart